Ask Dr. Dick

Ask Dr. Dick is a compilation of answers to common questions submitted anonymously by our readers. Check out the archives or submit your own question here.

Before you begin pursuing therapy for erectile dysfunction, know that ED can be symptomatic of many underlying problems more serious...

When you follow the directions....
If you want to be a hero, it is....
If your ejaculations haven't felt quite normal lately, you are not alone....

Can't find what you're looking for?
Just ask.

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We know that it can be daunting, even embarrassing, to ask questions about what’s going on down there. Don’t worry, your curiosities and concerns are safe with us.

At Dr. Dick, our only goal is to provide credible insight that will help you, “your friend,” or your partner lead a healthier, happier life.

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We know that it can be daunting, even embarrassing, to ask questions about what’s going on down there. Don’t worry, your curiosities and concerns are safe with us.

At Dr. Dick, our only goal is to provide credible insight that will help you, “your friend,” or your partner lead a healthier, happier life.

The doctor's in (your inbox.)

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